Kenneth Robert Kubinak

2000 - Present

Partner Paragon Computing Systems, Inc. San Diego, CA

Starting up a company to provide Programming services with both contract programmers and in-house development. Microsoft MFC and Hoops3D graphics for finite element modeling applications.  HTML DOM programming for voice activated internet browsing.

1998 – 2000

Sr. Software Engineer GeoPerception, Inc. San Diego, CA

Developed software for GeoPerception's Personal Pilot, a wearable computing product combining ActiveX, 3D graphics, and DGPS processing (Microsoft Visual C++ 5, Windows 95 and Windows NT).

Created a medical instrument prototype used as a marketing and sales tool (VisualBasic 5, VC++ 6, Windows NT).

1997 – 1998

Senior Software Engineer Nautronix, Inc. San Diego, CA

Technical lead for the Glomar Explorer dynamic positioning control system. COM and ActiveX technologies were used extensively to modularize the project into reusable components. Interfaces included analog/digital IO, serial communications, TCP/IP communications, and A-B PLCs.

Developed software for a vessel simulator, simulating and interfacing all external events (wind, current, power system, thruster feedbacks, …) to the dynamic positioning system. (Windows NT, MFC, ActiveX, COM, Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0, Borland C++ 4.x).

1981 – 1997

Senior Software Engineer Computervision (GE CALMA) San Diego, CA

Worked with a team of five programmers replacing UI and graphics code to take advantage of a platform-independent GUI builder by Neuron Data using Object Oriented Design. Responsible for development and maintenance of a high-level operating system interface package for all platforms we supported (SUN, HP, SGI, Windows NT). Ported a large Windows product (million lines of code) to Unix using a Windows emulator (MainWin by MainSoft). Also developed all low-level OS interface code required.

Led a team of two in developing a programming environment for SUN, HP, SGI, and Windows NT. Adapted Windows product to Windows NT and Windows 32S, using a new compiler (VC++) and overcoming the challenges of using custom controls with Microsoft Windows 32S. Created the initial development environment using Windows 3.0 and Borland 3.0. Developed and maintained User Interface and Graphics code in C++ and Object Oriented Programming.

Project leader of three for a port to Ultrix of another CAD product (Prime Design). Graphics programming using PHIGS on Sun workstations running Unix. Enhanced and debugged the solid modeling capabilities of an existing product (DDM).

Developed experimental user interface code using DecWindows UIL and X-Windows graphics programming.

Specified the design of Graphics, UI, and development environment requirements, for a future CAD product as a member of a 20 person team.

Technical project leader of nine people on the DDM (Calma’s CAD/CAM product)/Graphicon 700 integration project.

Led three programmers in adding support for a new graphics device. VAX/VMS system administrator. Data General system and graphics programmer using Assembly language and FORTRAN.

Technical summary for Computervision: Microsoft Product Specialist NT 4.0, Intranet webmaster (FrontPage) (2 years), C (9 years), C++ and Object Oriented Design and Programming (6 years), Unix (10 years), Clearcase (2 years), X Windows (2 years), PHIGS (1 year), FORTRAN (10 years), Data General assembly (4 years) Windows 3.1 (5 years), Windows 32S (3 years), Windows NT (2 years), HP (3 years), SGI (2 years), Sun (10 years), VAX/VMS (5 years), Graphicon 3D display list device (3 years), Control Data (3 years), Data General Eclipse (5 years), IBM mainframes (3 years).

1978 – 1981

Section Leader General Dynamics San Diego, CA

Lead software engineer designing and leading two people in the implementation of a raster interface for a solid geometric modeling program supporting a numerical control tape verification project.

Provided support to CAD/CAM department in interactive computer graphics and finite element analysis.


Academic Achievements:

Purdue University, M.S. Computer Science

Purdue University, B.S. Computer Science

Additional Course Work:

Introduction to Java – UCSD Extension

Administering Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 – Vortex Data Systems

Supporting Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Core Technologies – Vortex Data Systems